The Mintri Legacy
Our journey into the tea industry began when the former Superintendent of the erstwhile East India Company, Mr. Robert Simpson Hamilton, sold his tea plantation to Late Shri O.M Mintri.

Late Shri O.M Mintri was the son of Late Shri. Raibahadur Ram Chandra Mintri. Shri. RC Mintri came from a noble family and was the first Indian Businessman to go to Tibet for Trade from Kalimpong by the Jelepla Pass.
The RC Mintri Road, which is the main market road in Kalimpong is named in honour of Shri. Raibahadur Ram Chandra Mintri.
Late Shri Raibahadur Ram Chandra Mintri

Late Shri O.M Mintri was a well-known social worker and Trade Agent to the Government of Bhutan. He was also the Vice-Chairman & then the Chairman of Kalimpong Muncipality for 25 years at a stretch.
In the year 1958, he escorted Late Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in his new Plymouth Car WGX 1 during his first visit to Darjeeling Hills & Sikkim.
Late Shri Onkar Mal Mintri

Owing to the ill-health of Shri O.M Mintri, his son Mr. K K Mintri stepped into the responsibility of taking the Mintri legacy forward. Mr. K K Mintri has been serving in the tea industry for over 45 years. He is trained from the TOKLAI Research Association and is a widely renowned veteran of the industry. Apart from this, he is a well known social worker who has been associated with many organisations throughout his career. Some of his notable achievements are as follows:
Chairman of Terai Indian Planters’ Association.
Chairman of Siliguri Tea Auction Committee.
Senate member of the University of North Bengal.
Evaluation & Development Committee member of Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority.
Governing member of Siliguri College of Commerce.
Managing committee member of Don-Bosco School, Siliguri.
Chairman of Education Committee of Uttar Banga Maheshwari Sewa Trust.
Zonal Committee member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Advisor to Governing body of Siliguri Tea Auction Committee.
Senior Vice President of Uttar Banga Maheshwari Seva Trust.
Vice President of Hari Har Seva Shram.
Apart from tea, Mr. K K Mintri has also tried his hands on other agricultural products like coffee, supari, black pepper, turmeric, and so on. All these products were organically grown and sold under the banner of 'Jyoti Agro Farm', which was the pet project of Mr. K K Mintri. It was during his passion that he found M/S. Jyoti Agricultural Exports Limited, the company which now owns and proudly promotes the name- 'Mintri Tea.'
Mr. K K Mintri today with his son, Mr. Bhavesh Kr Mintri works in partnership in taking the Mintri legacy to new heights.
Mr. K K Mintri

Mr. Bhavesh Kr Mintri has graduated in Master's of Business Administration for Working Executives from NMIMS University and in Bachelor’s in Business Management from Bangalore University. In addition, he has also attended a summer school course in Strategic Management from the London School of Economics. He took an additional certificate course in college on Entrepreneurship Development Program. Ever since his school days he has been involved in volunteering activities. In addition, he has also head co-ordinated various events both in school and college. He has also been the Founding President of the Leadership Development Cell in his college. As soon as he graduated in BBM, Bhavesh joined Jyoti Agricultural Exports Limited in the year 2017 and has been responsible for market and product development since.
At present, Bhavesh is working on building “Mintri Tea” not only as a global brand, but also a story of a rich heritage which can be told through a fine cup of pure Indian tea.
Mr. Bhavesh Kr Mintri